Friday, May 6, 2011

Apple: I'm a Mac Campaign

As my final post for the semester, I decided to use an example from the monster of advertising: Apple. I actually would not metaphorically coin Apple's advertising efforts as a monster - more of the Donald Trump of the computer world. Anyways, this ad is part of the "I'm a Mac" campaign, that personified the Apple and Windows computers as real people. The images of the two guys are now instilled in the advertising collective unconscious. The campaign was extremely successful and funny.

Award Winning Viagra Campaign

 After my last post about a viagra print ad, I decided to further investigate how to creatives behind their ad work are able to suggest what they are selling appropriately, and creatively. This particular campaign by Pfizer was extremely successful. It featured middle-aged women falling asleep throughout their day at various locations - at the bus stop, while vacuuming, etc. This particular one is an image of a woman falling asleep while making coffee - standing up.

Viagra Print Ad

I found this ad online after asking some of my friends what there favorite ads are. The image in this ad is not immediately recognized, but upon further investigation, it is really funny and clever. I don't  really think a nail was the best symbol for a penis though - I think the association is painful! However, the graph is too funny to not post in my blog.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Horrible Commercial

Sometimes rip-offs can be funny if well done, but this is definitely not. The commercial is for I.E.S. financial advisors. It features a horrible actor attempting to play Donald Trump, and featured bikini models. Yuck. It is distasteful and not funny, when attempting to be funny. I really have not including any examples of horrible advertising, so I decided to include one just to show that if you are going to rip-off a commercial, it must be done well.

Hyundai Swedish Commercial

This is so funny. Even though I think it is way too provocative for the United States, this is perfect for the European Union. I chose to include this ad as well to highlight the differences in social acceptability of advertising between the United States and Europe. That is one thing I don't understand - why tastes are so different between the two nations. I would think that the U.S would be more loose towards sexually explicit advertising than the European Union.

Jimmy Fallon's New Ice-Cream: Late Night Snack

Jimmy Fallon announced his new Ben & Jerry's ice-cream flavor on Stephen Colbert's television show. The producers of the show created a video (posted her) with the actual Ben and Jerry. This was great promotional advertising for Fallon. The video was funny and catchy. The so-called "ice-cream" war between Fallon and Colbert simply promoted their products. However, the two comedians are so funny I did not mind watching the obvious advertisements because they were enjoyable.

Samsung Galaxy Ice: Juarez Dance Crew Commercial

This commercial was created for one of Samsung's new phones. I chose to include this in my ad journal because of the way in which it was created. A famous dance crew from Juarez filmed the commercial flash-mob style. The group moved incredibly slowly - so slowly that you cannot tell what the dancers are doing until the entire 18 minute dance is sped up to a 30 second clip - making it look like stop-motion cartoons from the 30's. The effect is incredible! The amount of time that was put into panning this commercial is incredible. The only drawback is that it does not directly market the phone in a direct way. I was way too focused on the process of how the commercial was created than what it was advertising.